Core Behavior Skills

Video Game Sight Words

Learn to Read while playing video games!

The CBS team came up with a list of commonly found words in video games that can be turned into flash cards to motivate children to read. The reward for reading is simple, access to the video game.


The first group of words can be used to teach directions, and turn it into a fun exercise for children via flash cards and quick responding before they play a fun video game.

  1. Left←
  2. Up ↑
  3. Right→
  4. Down ↓
  5. Up
  6. Down
  7. Left
  8. Right
waypoint, directions, pizol-999685.jpg
game, control, remote-38230.jpg

Button Actions

The second group of words consist of common actions assigned to buttons.

  1. Start
  2. Back
  3. Pause
  4. Jump
  5. Attack
  6. Roll
  7. Punch
  8. Kick
  9. Block
  10. Throw
  11. Fight
  12. Gear
  13. Shift
  14. Steer
  15. Reverse
  16. Break
  17. Accelerate
  18. Go
  19. Nitro
  20. Nitrous
  21. Boost

Before Starting

The third group consist of words typically found prior to starting game where the player is presented with options.

  1. Load
  2. New
  3. Record
  4. Password
  5. Cancel
  6. Game
  7. Over
  8. Time
  9. Quit
  10. Exit
  11. Player
  12. Name
  13. Options
  14. Settings
  15. Press
  16. Any
  17. Button
  18. Confirm
  19. Rumble
  20. Save
  21. Move
  22. Item
  23. Use
  24. Organize
  25. Select
  26. Erase
  27. One
  28. Two
  29. Team
  30. Contest
  31. Difficulty
  32. Normal
  33. Hard
  34. Easy
  35. Difficult
  36. Music
  37. Stereo
  38. Mono
  39. Surround
  40. Off
  41. On
  42. Control
  43. Information
  44. System
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